Lecture reflection 1

Reflection on the relationship between with fashion and nature by Yizhuo Li.
After the lectures’ learning of these few days, they have changed my thinking a lot. These lectures helped me rethink about the relationship between fashion and nature, and what is sustainability for fashion. These questions came from Nature lecture of Kate Fletcher, I totally agreed with Kate Fletcher’s concept which talks about in nature as a human living environment, the reciprocal relationship between people and how did human choices we wear and environmental quality.
Some people believe that beauty and fashion are beyond everything in the world, I was a believer in this point of view. However when some news and reports talk about humans kill animals for fur coats or other fashion products, and people build more and more factories for fashion industries are increasing. I changed my mind gradually and started to consider environments’ problems that exist in our society. Because it is no doubt that human is the murderer will jeopardize nature. Until I attendances Kate Fletcher’s lecture, she gave me some answers to my question and she proved the importance of protecting the nature.

In my opinion, I don’t think that without nature, the civilization of society and humanity will not develop to the present. And nature is above life, including humans, animals, and plants. Human is part of nature, we are not the creator of nature. If human beings continue to use natural resources endlessly and do not make up for losses on time, then breaking through natural boundaries (Safe operating space for humanity.) will lead to ecological imbalances, and the final result is that human beings will perish and fashion will become meaningless.
On the other hand, after Kate Fletcher’s lecture, I think depth about the relationship between fashion and nature. Nature is an enabler of fashion because nothing happened without nature. Besides, nature is a limiting factor for fashion, therefore, the human can not developing fashion industry faster than nature development.
“Does fashion action will impact nature?” this question is Kate Fletcher left for us, and I agreed with it. Indeed, fashion action will affect the natural environment. The source and consumption of all substances in the biosphere is to maintain a delicate balance by using metabolism, so the biosphere is not a repository for waste produced by humans. I think the fashion industry can’t deny the destruction of nature, such as the use of chemical dyes to make colored fabrics and threads, and the wastewater generated during the production process will be discharged into the river, which will cause water pollution. I suggest that the fashion industry should reduce the use of fibre products because all the fibre impacts the natural system. Then people can choose renewable resources in the ecosystem, including wool and silk. Or recycle or using organic materials to achieve sustainable development in the biosphere.

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