Blog 1:Lecture Reflection

There were two Better Lives lectures that stood out to me; Culture by Anna Fitzpatrick and Power by Julia Crew. Fashion touches us every day, but it’s the way we use and create it that makes an impact. In Anna’s lecture it was very eye opening to me as there were several facts that stood out enormously. The climate is an emergency right this second, it is known that we have less than 10 years to make a change. Everything we do is connected as there is a holistic effect on everything. If you think deeply to the right core then you realise fashion is dependant from land, water, air and animals. Without this, modern day now; fashion wouldn’t exist. However, humans seek some happiness through the consumption through things and fashion. I think a lot of fashion now is made fast in a quick and easy way, but we are not valuing what is involved in making the clothes and the process and detail just the final result. Unfortunately, a lot of fashion is made in poor circumstances and workers are being paid very poorly and unfairly. Also, personally I think using animals to create clothes is unfair and wrong and if it was stopped it could create better lives. I think fashion is an interesting concept, as when the world was created mammals (humans) weren’t seen wearing clothes but through the years it has been created and seen as ‘normal’ and the thing to do is wear items of clothing. However, I think it has spiralled out of control and needs to be thought through how to be able to still create fashion but in a safe and planet friendly way. “Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.” Peter Druker . This quote reflects on it being easily said that change needs to be done and a lot of people try but then are unsuccessful because they give up. Although I think the quote is very interesting because it creates a realistic image in the readers head which they then can relate too. Fashion can be very customisable to each person’s needs and by 2050 it is estimated it will be which I think will positively create change to better lives. Better lives has made me reflect on my own personal purchases and It has influenced me to be more aware and purchase my clothes from vintage and second hand stores such as charity shops or Depop. I already sell my own clothes so that they are re-used, and I think that Is one step closer to re-using fashion in a better way.


Anna. F (2020) ‘Culture’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 10 February.

Julia. C. (2020) ‘Power’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 10 February.

Nick, A (2020) ‘Emerging Technologies in Fashion’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 12 February.

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