Bolg 01-YouyiDing

These two weeks, the Better live project was raged to different lectures. The most memorable lecture I had was ‘POWER’ topic. And I would like to reflect this as the first blog. POWER was the first lecture we had for better live. 

Firstly, the lecture begins with garments that show power, ‘what you wear shows who you are’. The clothes and accessories on a person’s body reflect its own identity. It has become a visual communication between each other. This makes me remembered when I walk on the street, if a stranger stands near to me I would automatically look at its’ outfit, sometimes, I felt not been polite to see someone from outside references, however, there is no doubt we give the first impression using our eyes. After understanding the power on fashion garments, and realize my own movement. They would influence my way of looking at any of outcome in the future, I realize that I can know clearly about my outcome is due to I’m into every single step, but audience who look at my works are different. The audience are not able to see the progress but the conclusion. They can’t see mood-board or long explanation about what this work is about. So what present to their eyes is different base on everyone’s imagination. I believe that’s also a reason why some artists choose to record their progress as their final presentation rather than just giving out an artwork. Look-back to my outcomes I have never showing my progress to my audience, in the future works I can try with using progress as final.

Secondly, the power of media. It was surprising how much advertising we received everyday and I begin to realize how important that media relate to our work. As a creative director, not only making the outcome but also how to let others see my outcome is important too. From my last project’s research, “The Medium is the Message” state by Marshall McLuhan.What society use to communicate became a reflection of the society itself. As human society going forward proved the importance and the needs of creativity in the media area. In the future works, I shall also consider how my work be shown to the audience, my target consumer or the platform I may choose.

At the begging, I do not understand how does power related to Creative Direction or in a big way, Fashion industry. However, after the lecture I realize this “power” is not the power we use to fight or punch someone. Is an invisible and intangible power behind an artist’s outcome.

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